Saturday, July 30, 2011


新买了一块WD的1T的移动硬盘,在使用的时候发现了一个问题,然后上网找了段时间,发现了几个帖子同我遇到的问题完全一样。下面就是一个。但是搜索了很长时间,也没有找到很确定的原因。最后,还是We need to live with it吧。很复杂的系统中,一些问题或许很难找到原因,有些时候也没有必要找到原因~

Set up:
MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo with an external hard drive (WD Passport) in NTSF format.
I've used a third-party software and CAN READ AND WRITE to the external hard drive.
There are two movie files in .mkv that are grayed out.
Every time I tried to use VLC to play these files, I get "item whatever.mkv is used by Mac OS X and can't be opened"
There are many other movie files in .mkv on the same external hard drive that I can play with VLC on my MacBook.
I plug the same external hard drive to my Windows notebook and use VLC to play these grayed-out .mkv files WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS!

I need to help to release Mac OS X from using these files.

I've tried everything that I can think of:

1. I've copied the files in Windows to another location, but when I put the drive back in Mac, the copied files are grayed out too.

2. I've copied the files in Mac to another location but the files would DISAPPEAR after copying.

3. I've used OnyX and unhide all files on my external hard drive and MacBook internal hard drive and I don't see any copies of these 2 grayed out files I made. I still see the same 2 grayed-out files like before.

So any ideas or tips are appreciated!


This is just my guess:

NTFS support in Mac OS X is unofficial. The reason why its unofficial is because it's flakey.

I think you are seeing a bit of flakiness there. Some flag or permission bit isn't set quite right and OS X is refusing to deal with it.


Reading NTFS is completely supported by Apple.

Writing is not supported by Apple at all. The OP acknowledges that a 3rd-party driver is being used, but hasn't identified the product and version. We need that information, since the driver is a critical component in any interaction with the disk's contents. We also need to know what happens when the OP disables that driver and tries to access the files using the stock driver (since this is, apparently, a read-only task).

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